
Picture of a cute dog

Can Dogs Have MSG

You might have heard about monosodium glutamate before, and that’s because it is one of the most common ingredients that

picture of turnips

Can Dogs Eat Turnips

Turnips are not very popular today in the United States but they have been grown for several thousand years. They

Picture of a dog on a blue sofa

Patellar Luxation in Dogs

Also called a luxating patella, this condition is more likely to affect toy and small breeds. Patellar luxation can sometimes

Picture of soy milk

Can Dogs Have Soy Milk

Have you wondered if you can give your dog soy milk? The short answer is yes, dogs can have small

Fluffy dog

Legg-Perthes Disease in Dogs

Also known as avascular necrosis of the femoral head or Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, this condition affects all types of dogs, but

Close up of a dogs nose

Dog Nose Prints

Believe it or not, your dog has an identifier that is equally as unique as a human fingerprint: his nose!

Picture of a German Shepherd

Sulfur for Dogs

Sulfur is another mineral that dogs need in order to be healthy. Compared to some of the other minerals that

picture of grits

Can Dogs Eat Grits

Grits have been a food staple in the southern United States for generations. In fact, they are a state food

Picture of a block of Tofu

Can Dogs Eat Tofu

Are you a fan of tofu? Tofu or bean curd comes in many forms and is used in lots of

Picture of a dog by the water

Zinc for Dogs

Zinc is a mineral that both pets and humans need in order to be healthy. It can be found in