Pet Friendly House

Kidney Failure in Dogs

Your Fido’s kidneys are in charge of maintaining the balance between certain substances in your pet’s blood. They filter out the body’s waste in the form of…


Fever in Dogs

Fever in Dogs

Fever can be a symptom of numerous health complications. It is particularly common in infections, but it can be caused


Cats With Long Legs

Cats With Long Legs

The average adult cat stands between nine and 10 inches tall. Their legs typically measure  eight to 10 inches tall. Cats reach their full height at about one year of age, but can continue growing in muscles and weight for another year after that. The longer a cat’s legs, the

Why Cats Bite

Why Cats Bite

We all know that cats are mysterious creatures. If you look online, there are a multitude of questions about why

Dermatitis in Cats

Dermatitis in Cats

If you have noticed that your cat has been a little scratchy for some time and he or she is

Small Animals

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apples

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apples

Apples are mostly safe to give to guinea pigs, but there are some caveats that pet owners should be aware of. These beautiful creatures need a specific diet, and although it might be varied, it should never contain too much fruit as it can cause digestive imbalances and other symptoms.

Pets & Travel

Pets & Real Estate

Dog Breeds