Popular Pet Names

Naming a pet is almost as difficult as naming a child, maybe even more so as they have so much personality when you get them. It is for that reason that the team at the Pet Friendly House put together a wide a wide selection of pet names to help you decide on the perfect name for your dog, cat, bird or even your fish

Naming Dogs, Cats, Birds and Fish

Black Dog Names

Black Dog Names

If you’re adding a new canine pal to your home and his coat color happens

Calico Cat

Calico Cat Names

Calico cats are beautiful felines whose coats feature three color combinations – orange, black and

White Cat

White Cat Names

The very first cat I ever owned (or, rather, who owned me) was a beautiful

femal grey cat

Female Cat Names

What are your favorite names for female cats? Everyone has their own naming preferences. Some

funny looking dog

Funny Dog Names

If you’ve got a new pooch joining your family, you’ve probably spent a lot of

Pit Bull on the beach

Pit Bull Names

Time is drawing near to the day when you will bring your beloved canine bundle