Dog Health

Amphetamine Toxicity in Dogs

Amphetamine Toxicity in Dogs

While amphetamines aren’t as common in a household as OTC medications, they can be prescribed for a variety of conditions,

Metabolic Alkalosis in Dogs

Metabolic Alkalosis in Dogs

Although acidosis can be somewhat more common in dogs compared to alkalosis, the second can also affect our canine friends

Metabolic Disease in Dogs

Metabolic Disease in Dogs

The name ‘metabolic disease’ actually refers to a complex of conditions that dogs can develop or can be born with.

hypotension in dogs

Hypotension in Dogs

Problems with blood pressure are just as common in pets as they are in people. While the vast majority of

how to make a dog vomit

How to Make a Dog Throw Up

Being a responsible pet owner calls for a lot of time, effort, and commitment, and there are certain situations that

Canine Sebaceous Adenitis in Dogs

Canine Sebaceous Adenitis

Compared to other dermal pathologies that dogs can develop throughout their lives, canine sebaceous adenitis is a relatively new one.

paraphimosis in dogs

Paraphimosis in Dogs

Not only can paraphimosis be a little concerning for pet owners, but it can also embarrass them whenever they take

white dog

Rickets in Dogs

Even though it has become less and less common these days, as pet owners are making more rational and informed

tremors in dogs

Tremors in Dogs

Dogs can tremble for physiological reasons, such as being too cold or not having eaten for a period of time.

barium poisoning in dogs

Barium Poisoning in Dogs

Barium sulfate is a substance that’s commonly utilized in contrast radiology in both animals and people. There are other options

pyoderma in dogs

Pyoderma in Dogs

Also known as impetigo in young dogs, pyoderma can effectively be defined as a bacterial skin condition. However, as its

hypokalemia in dogs

Hypokalemia in Dogs

Potassium is one of the most important minerals that can be found in dogs’ bodies and in humans’ bodies. It