What Does “Sploot” Mean?


If you’ve ever wondered what the word “sploot” means, you’re not alone. You’re reluctant to use it in conversation for fear you might offend someone or say something utterly ridiculous. But chances are pretty good that there are lots of other people in the same boat. Though “sploot” is not an overly common word used in daily correspondence, it still comes up often enough that you’d like to know just exactly what it is. What does the word “sploot” actually mean?

The Canine Maneuver Known as the “Sploot”

If you’ve ever watched your dog lay down or stretch, you’ve most likely seen himself contort his body into some of the most unimaginable positions. Though many of them have no name to describe them, there is one particular move that has earned itself a nickname…the sploot. A move most often seen in Corgis, the sploot is a type of stretch for some dogs. For others, it is a comfortable position to lay in. But there is no doubt; for your dog to attempt the sploot, a certain amount of flexibility is required.

So, what does the sploot look like?


To do the sploot, a dog must recline on their belly with their legs stretched out behind them like a frog’s legs. Though not something reserved just for the Corgi, it is most often seen in that particular breed. Cats also favor the sploot, so you just might catch your fave furry feline reclining in the same position.

Though in the original sploot both legs are straight back, there are some variations on this particular theme. A half sploot is the same basic reclining position but with only one leg pointing straight back. Some dogs and cats prefer what is known as the side sploot where the dog’s legs lean to the side instead of stretching straight towards the back of the animal.

Why Sploot?

Though we can only speculate as to why a dog or cat might prefer the sploot position, we can come to some logical conclusions. The sploot offers our pets the opportunity for a deep stretch which can provide relief to aching or stiff muscles.

Dogs or cats who are suffering from overheating will often lie with their bellies pressed against a cold surface. Since the legs in a straight back position allow for more stomach surface area to touch the ground, the sploot may be a preferable position for dogs or cats seeking to cool down.

If you happen to be the proud owner of a puppy or young dog whose favorite position is the sploot, they may be adopting the pose because their bodies have greater flexibility, making this position the most comfortable one for them at this stage of their lives.

Can Splooting Become a Problem?

Splooting typically is not a cause for concern. Since a certain degree of flexibility is required to achieve the pose, it is not usually symptomatic of a larger problem. However, if you see evidence your dog is in pain, it is possible that your pooch dislocated or wrenched something attempting the sploot stretch. Signs of pain include an inability to put weight on all four legs or a hop-like gait with weight primarily displayed on the front two legs.

Where Did Word Sploot Come From?

We really don’t know the origins of the word sploot. Like so many other words that eventually become a part of the English language, it is likely that someone christened the position with this name because of what it resembled to them. Someone else liked it and also adopted the name, and over time…voila! The name stuck. Interestingly enough, sploot now has a listing in the online lexicon known as the Urban Dictionary. Will it make an appearance in Webster’s Dictionary? Only time will tell!

To Sploot or Not to Sploot?

Is your dog or cat a splooter? This endearing position is sure to bring a smile to your face! After all, who can help but chuckle at their adorable pooch all splayed out just like a frog. One thing is for sure; just like the Twist so many years ago, the sploot is here to stay!



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