If you have recently become a cat guardian, there are probably a lot of questions going through your mind about how you can best take care of your pet.
To save you some time and effort, we have put together a list of some of the most searched cat questions out there. We’ve included short answers, but for most of these, we have written detailed articles that you can check out using the included links.
What Vaccinations Does Your Cat or Kitten Need?
There are three main diseases for which cats have to be vaccinated, and they are Feline Panleukopenia (FPV), Feline Calicivirus (FCV), and Feline Herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1).
There are a number of non-core vaccines that can be administered to cats, and they can protect your feline friend against rabies, Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), or Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)… more
How Long Can Cats Survive Without Food and Water?
If a cat doesn’t have access to any type of food, she could survive for anything between three to five days. The same rule does not apply in the absence of water, however, since it can lead to severe dehydration in a matter of 24 to 48 hours. Cats that vomit or have diarrhea during this time can become so dehydrated that they might lose their life in under 36 hours… more
Why Is My Cat Walking in Circles?
Cats can walk in circles for a number of reasons. They can do it to greet you when you come back home, but this type of behavior can also be a result of vestibular disease, head injuries, ear infections, low blood sugar, and senility. Animals that have brain tumors can walk in circles, too, especially when their cerebellum has been affected… more
How Many Kittens Will a Cat Have?
A first-time queen doesn’t usually give birth to more than three kittens. However, cats that have had pregnancies before can give birth to five or more kittens, although in many cases, five is the maximum number.
Some breeds are known to have smaller litters, such as Persians, whereas others have more sizable ones, such as Siamese cats… more
Why Is My Cat Vomiting?
Vomiting can be caused by a lot of factors, from a cat’s diet, treats, and milk consumption, to hairballs and chronic illnesses such as liver and kidney disease. Cats can also throw up if they suffer from enteritis, gastritis, or pancreatitis, or irritable bowel syndrome.
If you notice that your cat vomits too frequently, meaning more than once or twice a week, even if she’s known to have hairballs, you should take her to the vet… more
Why Do Cats Knead?
Cats can knead for a variety of reasons, but some of the most common ones are for nesting, for affection, to show their ownership over something or someone, and it also helps them tell the rest of the world that they are going into heat.
Kneading is also used by kittens to stimulate the production of milk from their mothers. The mother, in turn, produces a hormone that makes it easier for the milk to be released from the mammary gland… more
Why Do Cats Purr?
Purring creates a bond between the queen and her kittens, so some cats use it as a lullaby. Cats also purr when they show contentment, but there are some types of purring that can be used to signal to other cats that they are angry and that they should be left alone.
The vibrations caused by the act of purring assist in healing injuries, but also bones and wounds. Therefore, many cats use purring to soothe themselves… more
Why Do Cats Sleep so Much?
Before becoming domestic animals, cats used to chase and hunt prey. These activities used to consume a lot of energy, which meant that cats had to get some sleep whenever they got a chance.
Even though these days, domestic cats don’t usually hunt for anything other than a feathery toy, they are genetically predisposed to snooze for as many as 16 hours a day. On top of that, cats are crepuscular, which means that they are most active at dawn and dusk. The rest of the day is used for storing energy, so napping is what cats are best at during the day when we, as humans, are most active… more
Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?
For cats, whiskers are a sensitive organ. Whiskers inform cats with regard to air movements, surrounding objects, and a variety of other things. The length of the whiskers makes it possible for cats to navigate in tight spaces.
If you’ve ever witnessed a confrontation between two cats, you might have seen that cats raise or lower their whiskers, depending on what they feel. Whiskers should never be plucked or trimmed because they are so important in terms of how a cat relates to the surrounding environment… more
What Is a Group of Cats Called?
A group of cats is called a clowder, but there are many other names, too, such as ‘glaring’ or ‘clutter.’ These words can be used for domestic cats, though, as groups of wild cats can be called a ‘destruction’ or a ‘dowt.’… more
Why Do Cats like Fish?
Cats are hunters, so as you might have noticed, they react to any potential moving prey. So, on the one hand, that’s why they are attracted to fish. Historically, the African wildcat, the early predecessor of the domestic cat, lived on a diet composed of small rodents, but also reptiles, birds, and fish. This type of food was introduced into the cat diet by humans, as they used fish as bait to attract felines.
However, cats aren’t genetically designed to eat a lot of fish, which is why it shouldn’t be fed to them on a regular basis… more
Why Do Cats Hate Water?
It seems that cats don’t like getting wet because it gets their coat too heavy and uncomfortable. However, there are some breeds, such as the Maine Coon, that love being in and around water.
As you might know by now, cats are very clean animals, and they don’t like getting dirty. It’s difficult for them to say just how much any water is going to mess up their coat, so they generally avoid it altogether… more
How Can I Tell If My Cat Is Sick?
Keeping track of how your cat behaves, especially in terms of ‘going to the bathroom’ and eating and drinking water can help you tell when it’s time for you to take her to the vet. Any changes in your feline companion’s grooming behavior are also alarming, especially when it completely disappears.
If you pay attention to your cat’s general health status, you will be able to prevent a plethora of possible medical complications and also treat them faster and easier… more
Why Do Cats Like Boxes?
Cats love boxes because it is in their instinct to find a safe and cozy place to hide in. Before being domesticated, cats had to hide from a variety of bigger predators, and that is why they are instinctively drawn to boxes.
A box can give your feline buddy a safe place where she knows she’s not in danger, but not all cats manifest the same interest toward boxes… more
Why Do Cats Eat Grass?
Eating grass helps cats to regulate their digestion. In many cases, it also helps them get rid of hairballs, especially when they feel like there is one stuck in their digestive tract. Grass also contains minerals and folic acid, but also vitamins A and D.
Some cats might eat grass to lower their stress levels, but they can also do it out of pure boredom… more
2 Responses
Why does my cat bite me? What can I do stop this? My arms are badly bruised from this.
My 20 year old cat lost 3 pounds and eats fine and seems fine took him to vet & vet cost me 100 and told me nothing but put revolution on his neck.