When you think of it, shouldn’t a ‘smart house‘ take the “whole family” into consideration?
There is a lot of buzz today about ‘smart’ and ‘environmentally friendly’ homes. Products like Google Home are changing how we interact with our homes, but there is much more to a ‘smart’ home than a simple box. The Pet Friendly House seeks to create a home that showcases technology, but one that is also environmentally friendly for Mom, Dad, the kids and their pets.
What does this mean?
Traditional home design and construction has typically only factored in what is most cost effective to build, comfortable, and convenient for the people living in the end product. Until now, very little consideration was given to what could be implemented to make a home easily accessible and beneficial for our pets. The Pet Friendly House is looking to change that. After all, our pets’ well-being is of paramount importance to us. We don’t just want a house that feels like “home” to us. We want one that is designed with the complete comfort of every family member, and that includes our beloved pets.
For the team at the Pet Friendly House, this means we put great care and attention into what we select for lights, windows, furnaces, and insulation. But there is more to it than that. Technology plays a huge role in the Pet Friendly House’s vision as well.
No Design Element Left Behind
At the Pet Friendly House, not a single detail in our smart house is overlooked. After all, it has been said the devil is in the details. Attention to detail is our forte, and we leave no stone unturned in our quest for the ultimate in family living.
But it’s not just about luxurious living. At the Pet Friendly House, we understand that cost comes into play. After all, what good is the ideal family home that your family simply cannot afford to run?
The Pet Friendly House selects each item added to our homes and subjects them to rigorous screening tests to ensure each element in our homes not only contributes to the home’s beauty and charm but that it is also cost and energy efficient to help save you money and protect our earth.
Among the details we include in our Pet Friendly Houses are:
Luxury Pet Products for Added Value
Do you miss Fido while you are away at work? The Pet Friendly House comes equipped with the latest in dog technology to allow you to see and talk to your dog right from your office chair.
Frisky looked a little bored? Why not make use of your Fibre Optic television to turn on DogTV for a little company for until you get home?
Want to see what fish are in the 275 aquarium… you will be able to see by login in
The Ultimate Goal
Our goal is singular in purpose. We want to unite families and their pets with the best in products and technology to make family living better, to help reduce overall stress, and to provide budget-friendly benefits. Part of that purpose includes partnering with the best in the green technology business to reduce wasted energy resources and products destined for a landfill.
Green technology plays a large role in the Pet Friendly House. Our homes not only benefit families and their pets but also our world at large by doing their part to protect our environment.
But we don’t stop at green technology. All of our Pet Friendly Homes are equipped with the latest in Fibre Optics.
What does that mean for Pet Friendly Home buyers?
It means internet speed that you’ve only dreamed of before. That lightning fast connection enables homeowners to enjoy internet-based telephones, televisions, home monitoring equipment, and other technological services that those locked into traditional cable options do not have available to them. But best of all, Fibre Optics save money!
Who doesn’t want better service for less money? It’s all available to you through The Pet Friendly House.
We partner with leaders in the green technology and Fibre Op industry to bring the latest and greatest to you and at a price point that you can afford.
What could be better?
Perhaps you’re in the high technology sector yourself. We have investment and sponsorship opportunities for top quality businesses just like yours. We seek to partner with likeminded companies to build better home and better futures for pets and their families, but we can’t do it without your help!
If you are involved in emerging pet technologies, security systems, home heating options, window sales and installation, or internet-based telecommunications, we would love to hear from you! A win-win partnership is just a phone call away.
Contact The Pet Friendly House now at 403-554-9634 or info@professorshouse.com to learn more.
We look forward to hearing from you!