Popular Cats That Don’t Shed

Cats that Don't Shed

Most cat owners are resigned to the fact that owning a cat will mean cat hair will be all over your house.  Cat hair can take over your house if you don’t stay on top of it, constantly cleaning floor, furniture, clothes… the list goes on and on. There are some popular cat breeds that don’t shed, however. If you are thinking of getting a cat, but cat hair is holding you back, check out one of these non-shedding breeds of cat.



If you can put up with their constant chatter, Siamese cats are one breed that does not shed. First exported from Thailand (which was known as Siam) in the late 1800s, Siamese cats have short, fine hair. As long as you comb a Siamese cat’s hair once a week, removing the dead hair and distributing oils in her skin, this type of cat does not shed. They are known to be quite loving cats, craving human attention, so if you’re looking for a constant companion that doesn’t shed, the Siamese is a good choice.



The Donskoy is a Russian breed that resembles the Sphynx, having a thin layer of downy fur that appears hairless. Instead of shedding, this breed of cat sweats to get rid of its excess heat. It is usually warm to the touch, since it doesn’t have fur to help regulate its body temperature. These types of cats are known to get along well with other cats and dogs, as well as humans, with whom they are quite affectionate.



The original “hairless” cat, the Sphynx actually has a very fine, downy, layer of peach-like fuzzy hair covering its body. This hair doesn’t shed, however, and these cats produce only a small amount of dander, making them the perfect choice for those who are allergic to cats.  They are also known to be quite affectionate, playful, lively cats who act like dogs, following their owners around the house.

British Shorthair

British Shorthair

Another affectionate breed, the British Shorthair has a dense coat but no undercoat. This means that, with regular brushing to remove dead hair, the British Shorthair will not shed much. So the cat looks furry, but doesn’t shed.



The Peterbald is a type of Donskoy cat. Some of the cats of this breed have hair, while others do not. Those that are born with hair often lose it as they grow older. They are characterized by a slight build, small head, bright eyes and big ears. Peterbalds are highly intelligent and crave human attention and affection.

Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail

This breed of cat is native to Japan and has a bobbed tail. It, too, has just one coat of fur, and will not shed as long as owners regularly comb them to get rid of dead hair. Owners might see a small amount of shedding from these cats each spring, but not much. The Japanese Bobtail is another friendly cat that craves human attention and affection. They are said to get along with all ages, other cats, and dogs.



The Bengal, a hybrid between a domestic and wild Asian cat, has a very thin but beautiful coat with short hair. They shed little, especially if they are brushed once a week by their owners. Bengals are known to be quite talkative and crave time spent with humans.

Devon Rex

Devon Rex

The Devon Rex has thin, soft, curly hair, keeping shedding to a minimum as long as they are brushed/combed on a weekly basis. Be careful, however, as grooming can make their hair break off. Some Devon Rex cats have bald areas on their bodies from self-grooming.  Their big ears and triangular head often give them an alien-like appearance.  The Devon Rex is known for being energetic, friendly and affectionate, craving pets and attention from her owners.



Although the LaPerm has a long, wavy, thick coat of fur with loose, bouncy curls, this breed of cat does not shed very often. A newer breed just recognized by the International Cat Association in 2002, these cats are quiet, highly intelligent, like to get into mischief,  and are said to be able to learn to perform tricks, like a dog.

Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex originated in the Cornwall area of Great Britain in the 1950s. It has short, wavy, soft, fine hair lying close to its body, which is believed to be the result of a genetic mutation. They do shed a bit, but not as much as other cat breeds. The Cornish Rex is an affectionate, playful breed, often described as doglike as they will retrieve toys that are thrown for them.

Russian Blue

Russian Blue

The Russian Blue, known for its bluish-gray coat and green eyes, only sheds once or twice a year. They also produce fewer allergens than other cats, making them perfect for those who are allergic. Russian Blues are close to the humans they love but might shy away from meeting new people. They are also attentive and intelligent cats.



One Response

  1. Susan: If you’ve read Susan Herzog’s “Taking care of British Shorthair cats”, you may recall that she says that anyone who is contemplating getting a British Shorthair must understand trhat they “shed a lot” and that you should get used to having “cat hair everywhere.”
    Have you had personal experience with BSH cats and found that they shed only a little. First, let me point out that the title of your article is “Cats that don’t shed”, then you say that BSH cats only shed twice a year.” That’s kind of misleading, don’t you think?

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