
Can Dogs Eat Mandarins

Can Dogs Eat Mandarins

Mandarins are a favorite fruit of many people, especially since they are packed with important nutrients like vitamin C. Many

hypokalemia in dogs

Hypokalemia in Dogs

Potassium is one of the most important minerals that can be found in dogs’ bodies and in humans’ bodies. It

Picture of a Shiba Inu

Can Dogs Eat Cornstarch

Cornstarch is a common thickening agent used by home cooks and professional chefs on a regular basis. It is an

White and black dog

Saturated Fats and Dogs

Fats, in general, and saturated fats in particular, have been gaining a bad reputation over the past few decades, ever

Picture of a borzi

Epulis in Dogs

Epulis is one of the most common types of oral cancer that affects our canine friends. In most cases, it

High Cholesterol in Dogs

High Cholesterol in Dogs

We often associate high cholesterol in either animals or people with a diet that’s too rich in fats. We also

Can Dogs Eat Pierogi

Can Dogs Eat Pierogi

Pierogi (pirogge, perogies, and other spellings) are a European dumpling made by wrapping unleavened dough around a savory or sweet

Picture of Rutabagas

Can Dogs Eat Rutabagas?

Rutabagas? What are they? Are they good for you? And, more importantly, can dogs eat rutabagas? We have all the

Prosciutto on a plate

Can Dogs Eat Prosciutto

The word prosciutto rolls off the tongue when you pronounce it. It always sounds like something elegant and delicious, doesn’t

Picture of a Izban hound

Perineal Hernia in Dogs

Even though a perineal hernia is not the most common health issue that can affect a dog, it does tend

Hypoglycemia in dogs

Hypoglycemia in Dogs

Although hypoglycemia in dogs can be a very serious medical issue, sometimes even a life-threatening one, if your dog is

Brown and white dog

Aortic Stenosis in Dogs

Aortic stenosis is a condition that can significantly impact a dog’s health. It is more common in certain breeds, and