Salami for dogs? Whether you have or haven’t thought about giving your dog salami, this question gets asked frequently enough that it does show up in Internet searches. You might think that since salami is a sausage that your dog can safely eat it. Salami is not toxic but it can contain enough additives, not to mention sodium and fat, that it’s not a good food for your dog. So, if you’re wondering if dogs can eat salami, the answer is probably no, much to your dog’s regret. However, there are different kinds of salami, so your dog might be able to eat a small amount of some kinds.
Learn more about salami and dogs below.
You probably think of meat when you think of salami but protein is not the most prominent nutrient in salami. Genoa salami, for example, contains about three times as much fat as protein. It has 21 percent protein, 77 percent fat, and 2 percent carbohydrates.
It’s a good source of thiamin.
On the bad side, it’s high in saturated fat and sodium.
According to one source, 100 grams of cooked salami contains about 1740 mg of salt. One slice of salami contains about 214 mg of sodium. That is twice the daily recommended amount for a 33-pound dog. Too much sodium can make your dog sick. If your dog has heart or kidney problems, this could be extremely dangerous.
One ounce (28 grams) of Genoa salami contains 109 calories.
Since salami is a processed/cured meat, nitrates are used to make it. Nitrates have been linked to some kinds of cancer such as colo-rectal cancer in humans.
Salami is also made with herbs and spices which can include onions and garlic powder. Onions and garlic, along with some of the other herbs and spices, can be harmful to dogs. Rosemary is sometimes used as a spice in salami and it has been linked to some forms of epilepsy in dogs.
Can Dogs Have Salami?
Yes, dogs can have a small amount of salami, occasionally. Dogs love salty, cured meats as much as we do but you shouldn’t give your dog more than a few small bites.
Salami isn’t toxic to dogs but it is very high in sodium and fat which are bad for your dog. Too much salt and fat put your dog at risk for salt poisoning, kidney damage, and pancreatitis. Salami can also contain seasonings that are harmful to your dog such as onion or garlic powder.
If your dog consumes more than a few slices of salami, watch for these symptoms:
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Increased thirst
- Increased urination
- Vomiting
There are different kinds of salami. Some of them can be safer for your dog to eat, in small amounts. Make sure you read the ingredients before buying salami or giving any to your dog. Salami can be made from pork or beef and it sometimes includes chicken. You should be aware of these meats if your dog has any food allergies. Some salami also includes wine.
Cotto salami is cooked to a high temperature. It should be safe for your dog as long as it doesn’t contain any seasonings such as onion or garlic powder.
Dry salami is usually made from beef and has less fat than Genoa salami. In small amounts your dog should be able to eat some dry salami as long as it doesn’t contain added spices. The term “hard salami” is often used interchangeably with “dry salami.”
Genoa salami is aged without heat and is normally greasy. It’s made with pork meat, fat, and wine. Your dog can eat a very small amount of Genoa salami but be sure to check for onion and garlic powder. You should also watch your dog for any signs that he has consumed too much sodium. One sign would be excessive thirst.
If you are going to give your dog salami, salami slices are the best way to give them to your dog. A few slices make a nice treat.
Salami sticks are not recommended for dogs. Many dogs want to eat the entire stick which is too much salami for a dog. That much salt can make your dog dehydrated and lead to sodium toxicity.
Do not give your dog spicy salami. The spices can be harmful to your dog.
You can buy uncured salami but you should still only give your dog a small amount. Uncured salami contains less salt than other salami but it still has lots of fat which can be bad for your dog.
Turkey salami can be a good choice since it has less fat in it than other salami but it still contains lots of sodium. You should still only give your dog a small amount of this kind of salami.
How Much Salami Can You Give Your Dog?
The amount of salami you can safely give your dog depends on his size. One slice of salami can have 214 mg of sodium so a dog can quickly eat much more sodium than he needs in one day. Depending on your dog’s size, he needs no more than 100 and 200 mg of salt from all sources per kilo per day.
That means, don’t give your dog much salami.
How Often Can You Give Your Dog Salami?
Since salami is high in sodium and fat it’s best to only give your dog some occasionally. When you do give your dog a little salami, make sure you aren’t giving him other salty treats on the same day. Too much salami too often can lead to health problems. Talk to your veterinarian if you notice any health problems, including excessive thirst and excessive urination, after your dog eats any salami.
Your dog loves salty foods, including fatty, salty meats like salami. If you read the ingredients and only give your dog a small amount, you can give your dog a little salami occasionally.