Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

Picture of a Dalmatian

Have you wondered if dogs can eat pineapple? The answer is yes! Not only is pineapple a delicious treat that some dogs enjoy, but pineapple also has the added bonus of deterring many dogs that have the unfortunate habit of eating their own poop.

Pineapple facts

The pineapple is native to South America but was grown in the Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico. It was cultivated by the Mayans and Aztecs. The Spanish introduced it to Hawaii, the Philippines and other islands in the Pacific in the 1500s. Pineapples were grown in hothouses in Europe and became a symbol of wealth. The flesh and juice of pineapples are used today in all kinds of foods – as snacks, garnishes, in desserts, as pizza toppings, beverages, and more.

Are pineapples good for your dog?

Pineapples are made up of 94 percent carbohydrates, 2 percent fat, and 4 percent protein. They are a good source of dietary fiber, thiamin, vitamin B6, and copper. They also provide a good source of vitamin C and manganese. Like other fruits, they are high in natural sugars and a lot of the calories in pineapples come from sugar.

Pineapple can be a tasty, tart, sweet, juicy treat for many dogs.

In addition, raw pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain that is used in meat tenderizers and marinades. Many people use or recommend adding some raw pineapple to your dog’s meals if he eats his own poop (coprophagia) – a fairly common dog behavior problem. (There are lots of theories about why dogs do this but no definite answers.) The bromelain in the raw pineapple apparently makes the poop taste disagreeable to the dog. However, some people report that they do not achieve success using raw pineapple. They use meat tenderizer instead, which has concentrated amounts of bromelain. Note that using canned pineapple for this purpose won’t work since canning destroys the bromelain.

Are there cautions about pineapples?

There are some cautions about giving your dog pineapple to eat. Since it is high in sugar, you should avoid giving it to your dog if he has diabetes; if he is overweight; or if he has other digestive problems.

Fruit can always upset a dog’s stomach if he has sensitive digestion so use caution. If you’re not sure if a fruit will bother your dog, only give him a very small amount, especially at first. If your dog has any digestive problems after eating pineapple, stop giving it to him. See your veterinarian if your dog continues to have diarrhea, vomiting, or other problems.

If you want to give your dog some pineapple, only give him the yellow flesh of the fruit. Don’t let your dog eat the tough parts like the core or the spiny skin.

Avoid giving your dog canned pineapple. Canned pineapple typically has loads of syrup which is bad for your dog.

And, of course, don’t give your dog Piña Coladas.

How to give your dog pineapple

Fresh is best with pineapple. We recommend cutting up raw, fresh pineapple into small, bite-size chunks for your dog. Frozen pieces of fresh pineapple also make a delicious, tangy treat for your dog when the weather is hot.


Many dogs like pineapple and it can be good for your dog – in small amounts. Like other fruits, pineapple is high in natural sugar so it’s not a good choice for dogs that are diabetic, overweight, or that have digestive problems. Fresh, raw pineapple makes a good treat when it’s chopped into small, bite-size pieces. If your dog appears to have any digestive problems, stop giving him pineapple. See a veterinarian if you are concerned.



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